Sat. Nov. 2 PROGRAM
9:30 Doors open
10 am
Moving Mountains climate confluence opening with Elder Duane Mistaken Chief
[Collision Space]
All day
Tea, Coffee and snack station [Kitchen Nook]
10:30 am – 12 pm
Indigenous Knowledge: drumming workshop with Chantal Stormsong Chagnon. -
[Ground floor room 128]
10:30 am - 12 pm
Landlovers Network: learn about our Bioregional mindset.
[Ground floor room 122
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Tips and Recommendations for Talking with Kids (8-12) about Climate Change with Alberta Council for Environmental Education staff.[Meeting room 2]
11:30 am -12:30 pm
The Circular Economy: Calgary Dollars and Repair Exchange Calgary inspire social action for climate.
[Meeting Room 1]
11:30 am -12:30 pm
Calgary Climate Hub: Grass roots advocacy, activism and climate actions.
[Meeting Room 2]
1pm – 2:30
Healing Through Art: Navigating Climate Change and Eco-Anxiety
[Ground floor room 122]
Ongoing until 3 pm
Planetary Health Creative Table [Kitchen nook]
1 pm – 2:20 pm
Treaty Making Simulator with Gitz Crazyboy
[Meeting room 2]
Collision Space program
all day Kaffeklatsch Espresso bar [Free]
all day Popcorn Lounge [Free]
1 pm Marketplace of Ideas: project development support
2 pm Light lunch serve serve
2:30 Climate Action Exchange & Networking event
3:30 Marketplace of Ideas Part 2
5pm Moving Mountains climate movement social

What is the Moving Mountains #climateconfluence ?
Moving Mountains is a climate confluence (a jamboree, a festival, a Chautauqua, an unconference, an outburst of innovations, a barn raising...) where doers, allies and leaders from across Alberta meet and intersect as they learn, and develop the tools and momentum to build their own climate solutions. Just as the just as Mohkinstis is the vital confluence of the Elbow and Bow rivers, our one day #Confluence Strives to be a forum that provides ample time to build relationships, learn new concepts, share experiences so that each of us will leave feeling encouraged to keep building for our collective future.
Moving Mountains' sessions and activities are a mixing place of ideas, learning, collaboration and community relationships built for you to 'choose your own adventure'. There are 3 blocks of programming to participate in from over the course of the day. You can choose just one block or all of them. They are: peer to peer workshops, self guided creative activites, and dynmaic networking and feedback Blocks. You are encouraged to chill in the Popcroon Lounge, refuel and create in the Kitchen nook or connect one to one anywhere in the inviting Hunter Hub Student Commons concourse. Our goal is that you leave with tools to take action, deeper connections and a better understanding of your palce in climate action.
What to expect
Build on connections with local and provincial climate leaders
Learn about how move your climate project to action
Take time for relationships, community care and encouragement
Discover new climate related projects and concepts around Alberta
Experience Indigenous knowledge, stories and history
Get the inside scoop on the Federation of Calgary Communities new climate Grant program.
Develop concepts and explore opportunities at the Marketplace of Ideas
Learn in peer based workshops

Marketplace of Ideas, is it for me?
Crowdsource feedback, resources and support for your climate action proposal.
No application, just step up to the open mic and give us your 2 minute feedback / proposal statement.
Our MC and panelists will take your pitch through th Marketplace of Ideas and generate an audio recording of the entire session for your future use. No (not much) prep, and no sweat. It is a high energy and supportive process.
Marketplace of Ideas, How to.
Take 1 presenter
add 1 host and a note taker.
provide a stopwatch and an audience
9 minutes: per presenter, including feedback
2 minutes: Presenter speaks briefly.
This can include a self introduction and the background to their subject. The talk should follow a who, where, what, why and how structure and conclude with statements that look for feedback from the panel and participants. The presenter is looking for feedback on an idea / project, or suggestions to create a solution to a particular issue.
1 minute: Panel asks clarifying questions, not advice. ie How is it funded? Who participates? Why did that happen?
1 minute: Presenter briefly clarifies / refocuses on the most important points
4 minutes LIGHTNING ROUND style - All questions from group. Presenter listens without responding. Audience / Entire group participates in discussion, offers ideas and advice. The note taker records the feedback for later review by the presenter.
1 minutes: Panel calls time after 4 minutes to wrap up the lightning round.
1 minute: to set up for the next presenter. Repeat.
Closest parking lot to the venue is Parking lot 1, $5.00/per hour
2nd Closest parking lot to the venue, Faculty of Arts Parkade, $11.00/per day
McMahon Stadium, $5.00/per day, 12 or 15 min walk from venue
Brentwood Station, park for free and train to campus, 8 to 10 min walk to campus