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Who Should Participate in Climate Changemakers?
A Climate Changemakers participant is curious about themselves, about others, and about contributing. They are willing to explore...
2022 Climate Changemakers Program Details
We're accepting applications now through Tuesday, March 8! Climate Changemakers is a program that will help you direct your own...
Introducing Climate Changemakers
After two years away, we're excited to re-introduce the Climate Leadership Program as Climate Changemakers! Climate Changemakers helps...
COVID-19 Protocol
The Regeneration Learning Society (Regen) requires all staff, guests, and participants of our in-person programs and events to fully...
2021 Moving Mountains Music & Spoken Word
Artists Lisette Xavier, Wakefield Brewster, Spenser Sipe, and Rome IX joined us at Moving Mountains with host Thana Boonlert to share...
2021 Moving Mountains Schedule
The event takes place virtually March 25, 26, and 27 as part of the City of Calgary's Climate Symposium. View the full schedule:
2021 Moving Mountains Workshops
Climate Change for Families & Schools Indigenous Knowledge & Stories Wellness Creating Climate Action Music & Spoken Word
2021 Moving Mountains
In March 2021, Moving Mountains took place as a satellite virtual event of the City of Calgary's Climate Symposium. #climateconfluence
Re-Up Camp
Lead: Son The Re-Up Pop-Up Workshop offers children and youth opportunities to have fun and learn skills while reducing our footprint on...
Energize Haysboro
Lead: Teresa Energize Haysboro is an environmental conservation project for the Haysboro community hall in Calgary that will bring...
Tuxedo Park Community Association Sustainability Committee
Lead: Karen Testing Phase Karen is working on creating a sustainability committee with the community association in the Tuxedo Park...
Engaging in Difficult Conversations on Climate Change Workshop
Lead: Alana-Dawn Testing Phase Talking about climate change and climate justice can be challenging and quite often conversations become...
2019 Climate Leaders
Meet the participants - 2019 Climate Leadership Program
2018 Climate Leaders
Meet the participants - 2018 Climate Leadership Program.
2017 Climate Leaders
Meet the participants 2017 Climate Leadership Program
2016 Climate Leaders
Meet the participants 2016 Climate Leadership Program.
2021 Moving Mountains Wakefield Brewster
Since January 1999, Wakefield Brewster has been known as one of Canada’s most popular and prolific Performance Poets. He is a BlackMan...
2021 Moving Mountains Rome IX
Rome IX is a Canadian Indie-Soul artist based out of Calgary. Drawing from personal and observed experiences, Rome says he is “forever a...
2021 Moving Mountains Spenser Sipe
Spenser Sipe is a queer indie artist whose evocative lyrics are drawn from the light and dark elements of the human experience. With her...
2021 Moving Mountains Lisette Xavier
Award winning singer /songwriter Lisette Xavier is your average puppy loving vegan who is probably eating chocolate right now. In January...
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